The Columbine High School Massacre


the Elevator Game

In this episode we delve into the darkness of human nature and the mysterious realms of the paranormal. 

First, we revisit the harrowing events of April 20, 1999, at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado. This tragedy stands as one of the most infamous school massacres in history, where two students embarked on a deadly rampage, leaving an indelible scar on the national consciousness. We discuss the events leading up to this catastrophic day, exploring the mindset of the perpetrators, the chilling aftermath, and remembering the victims.

Next, we step into the eerie world of the Elevator Game, a paranormal ritual rumored to grant access to another dimension or even hell itself. Said to originate from Korea, this game involves a series of precise elevator movements in a building that is supposed to open the door to an alternate world. Participants have reported experiences ranging from unsettling silence to encounters with mysterious figures and landscapes. 

And for our bonus story, we whisper a tale from a small town, residents woke to the eerie reality of having been visited by a shadowy figure who left through their window, their hair inexplicably cut while they slept unharmed. This mystery continues to perplex and intrigue, as we ponder the motivations and methods of this elusive figure.

Join us as we traverse the landscapes of tragedy, mystery, and the unexplained in Episode #7 of Chambers of the Occult.

  • The Phantom Barber of Pascagoula


EP# 8 Cannibal Abroad and the Most Haunted House in England


EP# 6 The Polaroid Mystery and a Farmhouse Witch